Monday, March 4, 2019

Reflective journal prompt for Handmaid's Tale chapter 20–24

Write for ten minutes or a bit more on the following prompt. Feel free to answer some but not all of the sub-questions listed here, and to stray into related topics that your thoughts guide you toward. 

When Offred goes to the commander’s room, as he has requested her to do, the main thing that happens is that they play Scrabble. What impression did this scene make on you? What do you think the commander’s motivations might be in playing Scrabble with Offred? How is this different from what she expected to happen, and what’s her response to the game? Does this scene make you contemplate the significance of language in this book in any new ways? How have the people in power in Gilead used (and/or abused) language to help construct their society and keep its citizens in check? How might a game of Scrabble become more significant in this context? In general, you can discuss questions of language and/or reading and writing and things that have struck you in relation to these ideas as you’ve read the novel so far. 

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